Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Number of moths saved from imminent death: 2
Number of stores visited in desperate quest for "law school clothes": 11
Number of suits tried on: 26
Number of suits bought: 4
Number of suits quickly returned: 1

Number of relatives made comatose by ordeal: 1
Number of coffee-beverages consumbed throughout day: ??

Well, we didn't really drink that much coffee...

So, I am going to law school. In about 31 days, to be exact.
I can't wait. I want to defend the defenseless, seek truth, uphold morality, etc. It's going to be truly fantastic.
But, unfortunately, I have no good clothes....
You see I have always been the T-shirt and jeans kind of girl. Or I had my occasional all-black-like-a-cool-spy garb, the punk-rocker moments, even a pair of parachute pants, motorcycle boots, and some truly nifty shoes I bought just for skydiving. (you want shoes that won't fall off when you land, don't really have heels, and in my experience at least, shoelaces were unhelpful.)
None of that, apparently, cuts it for moot courts.
So yesterday I braved the outlet mall in quest of the perfect suit.

The good thing is, I found three! And I mean, whoa, these are awesome suits. I'm pretty sure I can accomplish anything just by wearing them. Sleek, sophisticated, way too cool... The bad thing is, I discovered I hate shopping.
I hate, hate, hate shopping.
I hate trying on clothes.
I hate the interminable guesswork with sizes. (I mean honestly, all you designers out there, why can't a 4 with you be the same as a 4 with the guy next door!? grrr.)

And...I hate that I seem to have expanded since the last time I bought suits....
So, I am on a diet! :-) I guess maybe at 23 I'm finally too old to just eat whatever the heck I want (like I have for the last 23 years...)

Number of diets started since yesterday: 1
Number of cookies eaten since diet started: 9
They were good cookies.

My little sister looked at me in horror sometime after breakfast this morning and said, "Apparently, for you, diet means eating everything in sight."


Number of suits I will no longer fit in on August Eighteenth: 3



herewegoagain said...

I do love your diets. What didn't you eat today? I mean, yeah, it's not like you HAVE to diet, but I would have liked a couple of those cookies myself....

And, yes, I am the comatose relative--who, incidentally, is extremely bored by size four anything.....

Amy said...

just try catching whatever I have ;-) works wonders for losing the appetite.

(cough, hack, cough)