Monday, July 23, 2007

Tissues, Thermometers, Deadlines and more...

Oh dear. I hate being sick.

I really rebel against it. After all, my body is supposed to know that I am magical, and therefore of course impervious to sickness and capable of ignoring every sort of medical issue. Sigh.

I have been sick since Friday. It's dumb. It annoys me. Plus, it exasperates me to be sick right now when I am in the middle of some absolutely-insane-ultra-last-minute law school decisions! No good can come of lying in fever-induced deliriums whilst one is supposed to be e-mailing back and forth with various and sundry law school deans over various and sundry last minute admissions decisions and newfound (heretofore nonexistant) deadlines! Erg!

Besides, there's the little issue of health insurance.

You see, I don't have any.

I will have some in about a month, when I am officially enrolled in a law school! :-) But for now...well...I'm kind of like a car at 55,000 miles. I'm starting to make all sorts of odd noises, but I just keep ignoring them because I really don't have the money to get them fixed.

Oddly enough, my real car is also beginning to make odd noises! And again...don't so much have the money for new brakes. :-P I think at this juncture a ridiculously wealthy, semi-eccentric, and very childless relative would come in handy. One who likes strange girls with curly hair. Yes.

In other news, (not that anything would be more important than my health of course!), apparently various and sundry people who would like to be our Commander in Chief (among other things) are being interviewed tonight via YouTube questions. Of course they are all democratic candidates, and it is CNN, so I think there will be an ever so slight liberal bias. Still, might be interesting to watch. Always good to know what the enemy is up to. ;-) I believe Andersoon Cooper is the gentleman conducting the interview and it should be at 7 pm eastern.

The Republicans face a similar ordeal on September 17, (why so far apart? Who knows?) so for heavens' sake go to YouTube and post some terribly brilliant questions!

And now I'm going to drag myself back to my post, crawl under lots of blankets, and try to return to that lovely unconscious state where nothing hurts. Take your Vitamin C and Echinacea!

1 comment:

herewegoagain said...

Well, this blog explains the Echinacea bottle by the computer. Were you taking some, or needing spelling help???

You are so sadly sick ALL THE TIME! Truly. If ever a kid needed health insurance, tis you. Eat something, you'll feel better.

And, am I too old and matronly to just say...Anderson Cooper is um, hot?

Get better soon!