Monday, October 15, 2007

Good News!

The lost cavers were found!! Praise God.

For more on the story, go here:
I know, I know...crazy long link. Anyway, it's "The Daily Texan" UT's own, 'little' newspaper. So weird being at a school that's roughly ten times the size of the TOWN in which I grew up.

Speaking of which, did you know my town is famous? Yes little Boerne, no one knows where it is, no one can pronounce the name...and I found it in my Constitutional Law casebook today!

Basically, the city refused to give the Catholic Church a building permit...and that violated the Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act which in turn (according to the Supreme Court of 1997) violated Congress' spite of Section 5 of the 14th Amendment, the enforcement power section... BUT the really cool thing is that later in my book, in another case, the editors specifically referred to "the Boerne Test" (something this other act hadn't successfully passed). I mean, how COOL is that? My little town....
The other really cool thing is that I was 13 at the time and I remember it all! I don't often come across things in textbooks that I actually remember, so it's clearly a red-letter day for me.

Anyway I know that paragraph went really fast and had a lot of ellipses and very few explanations, for which I apologize. The problem is, I have this four page paper to write tonight and I'm already starting to get sleepy. So, I'll tell you what, I'll write up my whole thrilling brief for the case some other time this week. Exciting, isn't it?


herewegoagain said...

See, I told you no worries about the spelunkers. But don't YOU get a hankering to go underground. Shiver and shudder.

OK, so Boerne is famous for more than "Dickens on Main". What? We're not famous for that? I can't wait till we're famous for being your hometown. Or mine....


Anonymous said...

I became famous with my political studies professors because of that constitutional law case. Isn't it exciting?

I've been thinking of you a lot, girly. I can't wait for the holidays because I'm going to plan to see you.