Monday, August 27, 2007


Law School....

I think I gathered this much today. First, law school is completely awesome. It's way more exciting than anything I've tried thus far, way harder, way more challenging, way more rewarding. At least, I think that's what I can expect. ;-)

Second, I picked the right school for me. I already love it here.

Third, the professors are amazing. Sure, sure I only heard their orientation speeches -- but they were very inspiring orientation speeches!

Fourth, everyone says it takes a lot more time than undergrad, so this blog thing might die after all. ;-)


herewegoagain said...

No, no, no, it can't die. I'm thinking law school is the perfect blog fodder, and the only way I'll really know what you are doing on any given day (or not, depending on the insane workload).

Plus, UT is funny. Austin is funny. Law school...not...funny.


Anonymous said...

So... Law School's working out for
you after all.It's probly 'cause you're so smart which is thanks to all the card games. (You can thank Jamie and me for that!)